December 1st, Thursday - Roadtown, Tortola, BVI


I'm sitting by the pool at Village Cay Marina, where we first stayed upon arriving in the Caribbean on the 14th, hoping the free wireless connection will work and I can post a quick update.  After a relaxing 6 days in St. John, moving the boat only twice, each time less than a mile, we are back on the move.  During a routine engine check yesterday, Joe discovered that the alternator had come loose on the port engine.  You always worry when you see loose bolts lying on the floor of the engine room.  Upon further inspection, he discovered that the loose wires had been rubbing against the coolant hose and ripped it.  It is a small leak, but needs to be fixed.  We motored over here this morning on one engine, dropped the hook, cleared into the BVI, grabbed a quick lunch at the marina restaurant and Joe is off to buy some parts to repair the damaged hose.  We are hoping that it goes smoothly and we can make it to a rendezvous with Blueprint Match at Jost Van Dyke for sushi tonight.  Welcome to cruising: working on your boat in exotic locations!
We had a great day yesterday.  We hooked up with a charter captain, Glenn, who Joe had met in Annapolis.  He is here on a catamaran called "Equity" and is currently in between charters.  We've been hanging out with him and our friends on Cenou on the northern coast of St. John.  Glenn has a wealth of local knowledge and has been sharing all sorts of tips with us on living aboard and making our way around the area.  Yesterday we moved the boats from Maho Bay to Leichster Bay where we enjoyed some really fantastic snorkeling right off the stern of our boats.  With his help, we all saw a whole lot more in the coral than we have ever noticed before.  He spent much of the afternoon helping me make new hand lines and setting up lures for our next fishing expedition.  I now have someone to blame if we don't catch any more fish!  (Just kidding, Glenn). 
We've had some mellow days of hanging at the beach which has been really great.  The four girls piled into the two kayaks yesterday and took a solo trip to a nearby white sandy beach.  It is great for them to be able to get away from mom and dad for a few hours.  Imagine being stuck with your parents 24/7!  Of course, it was nice for the parents to be out of earshot of the kids as well!
Our next big date is December 11th with Dan and Candyce Fisher, AKA Gran and Gramps, arrive in St. Thomas.  We are counting the days until their visit.  I guess I will have to do a little Christmas shopping soon as well!  I have not a single present yet, if you can imagine.  \
After a bit of a scare with our camera, we seem to have it working again.  I posted a few new photos and promise to get more up soon.  We'll make it back to the Bitter End to see "Jaimie" within the next couple of days and I can connect from there as well.
Have a great weekend, everyone!  You are never far from our thoughts.
Christy, Joe, Cassie and Juliana
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Many thanks to our friend Craig Homenko for his assistance in setting up the website.
We also would like to thank our buddy Scott Brunner who has been kind enough to host the website on his server.

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