While we were shopping for a boat, we met
Claude Dussaud, who was also shopping for a catamaran. Joe
and Claude were looking at the same boat, a Soubise 46.
Claude wound up buying it, despite some very serious repairs
that needed to be performed. He and his family live
outside of Charlottesville,Virginia, about three and a half
hours away from us in Annapolis. We kept in touch and even
went down to visit them for a weekend during the spring.
They have a very similar agenda to ours, sailing the Northeast
this summer and then heading to the Caribbean this winter.
They have a solid goal of making it to Europe in the spring of
2006. We haven't committed to that yet, but both of us
love the idea.
Anyway, Claude and Rike have two little
girls, Celine and Anouk, who are very close in age to Cassie and
Juliana. They all get along famously and make life a lot
easier for all of the adults by having playmates close by.
We will divert from each other's itineraries from time to time,
but it is wonderful knowing that we will be in the same area and
just a few day's sail away from each other at any time.