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Monday, October 15th, Brindisi, Italy
                               September 23rd update - from Le Meridien Hotel to Novigrad, Croatia
                                  September 27th update - from Lignano Italy to Bergamo and back
                                                             October 6th update - Venice
                                             Our VeneZIA Visit - by Alison and Holly Cunard
                                October 13th update - Monfalcone, Italy to Vienna, Austria and back
As promised, here are the updates from all the weeks that I missed, plus an extra contribution from Alison and Holly!  We hope you enjoy reading about our adventures together.
The 375 mile sail from Monfalcone to Brindisi offered up a little bit of everything.  Starting out with a motor, we were hit by a gale overnight which mellowed into no wind again the next afternoon.  Our second night at sea was calmer than the first, but the VHF forecast called for another gale so we slapped two reefs in the main before starting our night watches.  It turned out we didn't need them until dawn, and then only for a few hours, but it is always better safe than sorry, especially at night when you are trying also to get some sleep.  The girls and Hobie are suffering a bit from cabin fever, but are otherwise holding up very nicely.  Zia is handling herself beautifully, and we are ever thankful for having bought such a wonderful boat. 
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Many thanks to our friend Craig Homenko for his assistance in setting up the website.
We also would like to thank our buddy Scott Brunner who has been kind enough to host the website on his server.



                                                            ©2005 Zia Later.   All rights reserved.   Your mileage may vary.   Void where prohibited by law.