December 11th, Sunday - St. John, USVI


As we wait for a weather window to take the dinghy around the corner into Cruz Bay to clear customs into the USVI, I thought I'd start an update.  We are all on pins and needles, awaiting Gran and Gramps Fisher's arrival this afternoon.  We decided to clear out of the BVI yesterday and make our way over to the USVI a day early so we would have plenty of time to get ourselves situated and the boat cleaned up before we go to meet my parents at their hotel.  It has been raining on and off since we finished breakfast, so we might just have to go for it.  A little fresh water rinse would do us all some good! 
The customs thing is a bit of a drag, but you just have to remember the rules and plan around them.  In the BVI, just the captain is required to show up with all the passports and fill out the required paperwork.   You have to clear both into and out of the country.  If you know for sure when you are leaving, we just learned from Captain Glenn, you can do both in the same trip.  In the USVI, everyone on board is required to present themselves with their passports to the Customs officer but you just have to clear in, not out.  You are allowed to be in the country's waters for up to 24 hours before you clear in, but you aren't allowed to go ashore until it is done.  We arrived last night around 6pm and are going in this morning to clear in.  This is the first time we have left the task of clearing in until the next day.
Yesterday I was feeling a little under the weather and stayed out of the water the whole day (I know, I know, poor me!).  I'm not sure what the issue was (no, I wasn't hungover) but luckily it seems to have passed.  Joe and the girls did go snorkeling after school and even spotted a lobster.  Joe was mighty tempted to grab it but we decided against it.  Technically, we have to have a fishing permit in order to pull anything out of the water, and I'm not even sure that you can take a lobster, even with a permit.  At any rate, on our way out from Sopers Hole after clearing customs, I threw a hand line out for kicks and just as I unwound the last loop off the spool, I felt a bite.  Luckily, it was a little one, since I hadn't tied off the bitter end yet.  It turned out to be a little kingfish, we think.  We need to get ourselves a fish book to help identify what we catch.  Being unsure, we took a picture, filleted it and froze it so we can make sure before we eat it.  It's small, but enough for a meal for the four of us.
Otherwise, we had a great time at Skylar's 7th birthday party.  We arrived at Norman Island to find Jaimie and Cenou rafted up together front and center by Willy T's.  John Martin is an amazing mariner.  He instructed us to raft up on his starboard side.  He helped us with our lines and then hopped into his dinghy.  Coming around to our bow, we dropped our anchor down to him.  With a line wrapped around it, he chugged upwind towards the beach with it.  We let out about 125 feet of chain before he dropped it a little off to our starboard side.  We pulled in some chain until the anchor bit.  The guys all climbed onto Jaimie to set a second anchor out in front of her.  There was a nasty mooring ball that we kept falling back onto and John wanted to pull the whole raft-up forward and away from the offending mooring ball.  Once the second anchor was set, he fired up the engines and nudged all three boats forward until we were well clear.  All the time, John knew that he was going to be the first to leave in the morning.  The next day, he untied both Cenou and Zia.  We both drifted aside on our own anchors and he sailed away.  It was amazing that it all worked as planned.
The raft-up was the perfect platform for a birthday party.  The kids all ate hot dogs and potatoe chips on Jaimie and then tromped over to Zia for dessert.  The carrot cake was a huge hit.  I actually used an old recipe that I got from my mom.  Before the girls all went off to college, she typed up a bunch of our favorite recipes and I still have the original document to this day.   Carrot cake has always been one of my favorite and it is a well used recipe.  I added it to the recipe page at the request of the guests at the birthday party.  Thanks mom.
By the time we got school done the next day, there was no time for a swim or even a visit to the famous Willy T's before we took off to meet the Quantum guy, Kevin, to fit the modified main cover.  We anchored out by the cruise ships and dinghied into the marina where the girls and I hung at the pool while Joe and Kevin went back out to the boat.  The wireless connection was working well so I emailed and tried out our new VoIP service, Skype.  It is an amazing thing, to be able to call any land or mobile phone number from your computer for $0.012 cents a minute.  Unfortunately, the couple of phone calls I made were only partly successful.  People could hear me fine, but I couldn't hear them.  Actually, I heard about five words and then is started to sound like a soundtrack played at the wrong speed.  It was a little frustrating but still fun to feel a little closer to home.  I'm hoping to have more success with it in the future.  You can actually talk computer to computer for free.  I've been told that this doesn't work as well, but haven't tried it yet.  Check it out at  Our Skype name is zialater.
So, now I am sitting at the Secret Harbor Beach Resort (  awaiting mom and dad's arrival.  We had lunch at the resort restaurant and are so far are very impressed.  They offer wireless access for $20 a day so we are going to try to negotiate a deal for 10 days.  If so, we'll be able to play around with Skype and emails until our heart's content.  We'll try to get in touch with as many of you as possible, so drop us an email with your phone number or email address if we don't already have it.
Lots of love,
Christy, Joe, Cassie and Juliana
Next entry >>>>>>>
Many thanks to our friend Craig Homenko for his assistance in setting up the website.
We also would like to thank our buddy Scott Brunner who has been kind enough to host the website on his server.

                                                            ©2005 Zia Later.   All rights reserved.   Your mileage may vary.   Void where prohibited by law.